Jan dede gea Meme Download Link 🤣


                                 Fun and facts

"Meme" refers to a type of internet content that spreads quickly through social media and other online platforms. Memes often feature humorous or satirical images or videos accompanied by clever captions or text overlays. 

The term "meme" was coined by British biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene," where he used it to describe cultural ideas that spread and evolve similarly to biological organisms.

Since then, the meaning of the term has evolved to refer specifically to internet memes, which can take many forms including image macros, animated GIFs, and videos. Memes often reference popular culture, current events, and internet trends.

Some popular internet memes include the "distracted boyfriend" meme, the "dank memes" meme, the "woman yelling at a cat" meme, and the "Ight, imma head out" meme. Memes can be used for entertainment, social commentary, or as a way to express emotions and ideas in a humorous or relatable way.

              Click here to download meme 


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